If you happen to be in
Redding California this weekend, hey, I will be too! I will have my booth set up at the Turtle Bay Art & Craft Fair, S
ept 26 & 27.
Turtle Bay is a beautiful park with many attractions, including a museum, gardens, exhibitions, and a glass bridge that is unique in all the world. Check out the link to the site, you will be surprised at what they are offering.
***Pictured above: nobody knows what they are, but they have been seen adorning poles and posts throughout the Pacific Northwest, soon to be seen in Northern California gardens.
Hi Holly as I search the internet for times for the Clayfolk show I stumbled in to the vortex. Nice job! It looks great. If you do happen to know the times for the show will you let me know? I'm looking up the radio stations I have listed here to get email addresses for PSAs for our show. Donna.